Welcome To The Heineman Middle School PTO Website.
Meetings are always open to everyone. It is an opportunity for you to become informed about issues, programs, activities, events and policies at Heineman Middle School that can impact your child’s education or experiences. You will also hear from our Principal, Mr. James Litchfield and/or our Assistant Principals, Mrs. Kathryn Romero and Mr. Adam Chorba. You can meet with and share thoughts and ideas with other parents and it's an opportunity to get involved with the school's events and fundraisers.
All funds raised by the PTO directly support Heineman Middle School students. All comments, questions or suggestions regarding Heineman Middle School PTO or this webpage are welcomed – please send an email to [email protected] For up to date information on PTO sponsored activities please like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Heineman-Middle-School-PTO-115817298521240/?fref=ts |